
Marriage Dates for 2024

Team My Wedding Makers 27 Jun 2024 1617 views

Hindus place a high value on carrying out fortunate activities, particularly during auspicious times. As a result, people select lucky times for significant occasions like marriages and a child's first shaving ceremony (Mundan). This custom is still followed today and has been for centuries. People think that working at any moment of auspiciousness removes impediments and ensures achievement. Thus, as to the Hindu Panchang, this is the Vivah Muhurat for marriage with dates for 2024.

Marriage Dates for 2024 Month Wise

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: January

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for January 2024 is listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
16 January 2024, Tuesday 20:01 to 17 Jan 07:15 Uttara-Bhadrapada, Revati Shashthi, Saptami
17 January 2024, Wednesday 07:15 to 21:50 Revati Saptami
20 January 2024, Saturday 03:09 to 21 Jan 07:14 Rohini Ekadashi
21 January 2024, Sunday 07:14 to 07:23 Rohini Ekadashi
22 January 2024, Monday 07:14 to 23 Jan 04:58 Mrigashira Dwadashi, Trayodashi
27 January 2024, Saturday 19:44 to 28 Jan 07: 12 Magha Dwitiya, Tritiya
28 January 2024, Sunday 07:12 to 15:53 Magha Tritiya
30 January 2024, Tuesday 10:43 to 31 Jan 07:10 Uttara Phalguni, Hasta Panchami
31 January 2024, Wednesday 07:10 to 1 Feb 01:08 Hasta Panchami, Shashthi

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: February

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for February 2024 are listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
4 February 2024, Sunday 07:21 to 05 Feb 05:44 Anuradha Navami, Dashami
6 February 2024, Tuesday 13:18 to 07 Feb 06:27 Mool Ekadashi, Dwadashi
7 February 2024, Wednesday 04:37 to 08 Feb 07:05 Uttarashada Trayodashi
8 February 2024, Thursday 07:05 to 11:17 Uttarashada Trayodashi
12 February 2024, Monday 14:56 to 13 Feb 07:02 Uttar Bhadrapada Tritiya, Chaturthi
13 February 2024, Tuesday 14:41 to 14 Feb 05:11 Revati Panchami
17 February 2024, Saturday 08:46 to 13:44 Rohini Navami
24 February 2024, Saturday 13:35 to 22:20 Magha Purnima, Pratipada
25 February 2024, Sunday 01:24 to 26 Feb 06:50 Uttara Phalguni Dwitiya
26 February 2024, Monday 06:50 to 15:27 Uttara Phalguni Dwitiya
29 February 2024, Thursday 10:22 to 01 Mar 06:46 Swati Panchami

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: March

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for March 2024 are listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
1 March 2024, Friday 06:46 to 12:48 Swati Shashthi
2 March 2024, Saturday 20:24 to 03 Mar 06:44 Anuradha Saptami
March 3, 2024, Sunday 06:44 to 15:55 Anuradha Saptami, Ashtami
4 March 2024, Monday 22:16 to 05 Mar 06:42 Mool Navami
5 March 2024, Tuesday 06:42 to 14:09 Mool Navami, Dashami
6 March 2024, Wednesday 14:52 to 07 Mar 06:40 Uttarashada Ekadashi, Dwadashi
7 March 2024, Thursday 06:40 to 08:24 Uttarashada Dwadashi
10 March 2024, Sunday 01:55 to 11 Mar 06:35 Uttar Bhadrapada Pratipada
11 March 2024, Monday 06:35 to 12 Mar 06:34 Uttar Bhadrapada, Revati Pratipada, Dwitiya
12 March 2024, Tuesday 06:34 to 15:08 Revati Tritiya

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: April

The marriage Shubh Muhurat for April 2024 are listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
18 April 2024, Thursday 00:44 to 19 Apr 05:51 Magha Ekadashi
19 April 2024, Friday 05:51 to 06:46 Magha Ekadashi
20 April 2024, Saturday 14:04 to 21 Apr 02:48 Uttara Phalguni Dwadashi, Trayodashi
21 April 2024 Sunday 03:45 to 22 Apr 05:48 Hasta Chaturdashi
22 April 2024, Monday 05:48 to 20:00 Hasta Chaturdashi

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: May
There are no auspicious wedding dates for May 2024. 

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: June
There are no auspicious wedding dates for June 2024. 

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: July
The marriage Shubh Muhurat for July 2024 is listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
9 July 2024, Tuesday 14:28 to 18:56 Magha Chaturthi
11 July 2024, Thursday 13:04 to 12 Jul 04:09 Uttara Phalguni Shashthi
12 July 2024, Friday 05:15 to 13 Jul 05:32 Hasta Saptami
13 July 2024, Saturday 05:32 to 15:05 Hasta Saptami
14 July 2024, Sunday 22:06 to 15 Jul 05:33 Swati Navami
15 July 2024, Monday 05:33 to 16 Jul 00:30 Swati Navami, Dashami

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: August
There are no auspicious wedding dates for August 2024. 

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: September
There are no auspicious wedding dates for September 2024. 

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: October
There are no auspicious wedding dates for October 2024. 

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: November
The marriage Shubh Muhurat for November 2024 are listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
12 November 2024, Tuesday 16:04 to 19:10 Uttar Bhadrapada Dwadashi
13 November 2024 Wednesday 15:26 to 21:48 Revati Trayodashi
16 November 2024 Saturday 23:48 to 17 Nov 06:45 Rohini Dwitiya
17 November 2024, Sunday 06:45 to 18 Nov 06:46 Rohini, Mrigashira Dwitiya, Tritiya
18 November 2024, Monday 06:46 to 07:56 Mrigashira Tritiya
22 November 2024, Friday 23:44 to 23 Nov 06:50 Magha Ashtami
23 November 2024, Saturday 06:50 to 11:42 Magha Ashtami
25 November 2024, Monday 01:01 to 26 Nov 06:53 Hasta Ekadashi
26 November 2024, Tuesday 06:53 to 27 Nov 04:35 Hasta Ekadashi
28 November 2024, Thursday 07:36 to 29 Nov 06:55 Swati Trayodashi
29 November 2024, Friday 06:55 to 08:39 Swati Trayodashi

Auspicious Wedding Dates 2024: December
The marriage Shubh Muhurat for December 2024 are listed below:

Day and Date Muhurat Timing Nakshatra Tithi
4 December 2024, Wednesday 17:15 to 05 Dec 01:02 Uttarashada Chaturthi
5 December 2024, Thursday 12:49 to 17:26 Uttarashada Panchami
9 December 2024, Monday 14:56 to 10 Dec 01:06 Uttar Bhadrapada Navami
10 December 2024, Tuesday 22:03 to 11 Dec 06:13 Revati Dashami, Ekadashi
14 December 2024, Saturday 07:06 to 16:58 Mrigashira Purnima
15 December 2024, Sunday 03:42 to 07:06 Mrigashira Purnima

Significance of Marriage and Shubh Muhurat in Hinduism

There are sixteen samskaras in Hinduism, the most important of which being the marriage Samskara. Hinduism holds that marriage symbolizes both the joining of two families through the bride and groom and a person's second birth. Panchang Shuddhi is the first step towards determining an auspicious time for a Hindu marriage ceremony in 2024 (also known as Vivah Muhurat 2024). This procedure not only chooses a lucky day for marriage but also the best time to perform different marital rites.

We may find auspicious marriage days and times for the whole year 2024 by utilizing the Hindu Panchang, the solar and lunar months, as well as the purifying Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karana. Marriage forges a connection between two people, and particularly between two families, forging new bonds that are important to all involved. In order to secure the happiness of the couple and their families, Hinduism views it as an auspicious and essential deed that must be carried out at a favorable period. Achieving long-lasting happiness in life is also thought to be significantly influenced by being married during an auspicious moment.

Marriage Muhurat and the Couple's Birth Sign

Following the Gunas' alignment with the Jatak's Kundli, the Vivah Muhurta is specifically decided upon by taking into account the bride and groom's birth signs. Following the matching of the horoscope's qualities, the Pandit or astrologer ascertains the wedding ceremony's precise day, time, constellation, and length based on the couple's birth sign.

Furthermore, the moon sign of the prospective spouse, that is, the moon constellation in which they were born, is taken into consideration by the Pandit or astrologer when determining the appropriate date for marriage. The process of choosing a good date for marriage, also known as Vivah Muhurta, involves matching the zodiac signs of the boy and girl. Moreover, better wedding date planning would be made possible by the Vivah Shubh Muhurat in 2024.

Auspicious Nakshatras, Yogas, & Karanas for Vivah Muhurta 2024

In fact, marriage is seen by Vedic astrology as an extremely fortunate occasion. Thus, choosing an auspicious date for marriage is just as important as choosing an auspicious hour. Only eleven of the 27 constellations in astrology are generally seen as favorable for marriage. Determining which day, yoga, tithi, and karan are lucky for marriage is hence crucial. To find out the auspicious wedding dates 2024 with below mentioned Nakshatras, Yogas and Karanas:

Nakshatras (Constellations) Considered Auspicious for Marriage:

  1. Rohini
  2. Mrigashira
  3. Magha
  4. Uttara Phalguni
  5. Hasta
  6. Swati
  7. Anuradha
  8. Moola
  9. Uttara Ashadha
  10. Uttara Bhadrapada
  11. Revati

Auspicious Yogas for Marriage:

  • Ayushman Yoga
  • Saubhagya Yoga
  • Siddha Yoga
  • Amrita Yoga
  • Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga
  • Dhanishta Yoga

Auspicious Karanas for Marriage:

  • Bava
  • Balava
  • Kaulava
  • Taitila
  • Gara
  • Vanija
  • Vishti (Bhadra)
  • Shakuni
  • Chatushpada
  • Naga

What Number of Matching Gunas Indicates a Happy Marriage?

A Pandit, or astrologer, specifically matches the bride and groom's horoscopes in Hindu Panchang, taking into account the 36 gunas that are contained in each horoscope. On the basis of these 36 attributes, the decision to move forward with the marriage is made concurrently. But for a marriage to succeed, there must be a minimum of 18 gunas.  Of course, eighteen to twenty-five gunas is just ordinary. A score between 25 and 32 is considered extraordinary, nevertheless. Furthermore, those whose horoscopes have attributes between 25 and 32 are truly exceptional. Additionally, the best horoscope is one with between 32 and 36 Gunas. Married people who also have a horoscope with this score will lead happier and more contented lives. It is uncommon for someone to have a horoscope with 32 or 36 Gunas, nevertheless.

Jupiter in the Bride's Favor and The Sun In The Groom's Favor

According to astrology, the bride is lucky if Jupiter is in her zodiac sign's second, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh houses; if Jupiter is in her fourth, eighth, or twelfth house, she is not. Similarly, for the groom, it is considered beneficial if the sun is in his zodiac sign's third, sixth, tenth, and eleventh houses; it is considered bad if it is in his fourth, eighth, or twelfth houses.

Lagna Bhav's Significance in Marriage

According to astrology, astrologers take the ascendant into account when calculating the lucky period for marriage. Furthermore, after the wedding date is confirmed, the bride and groom perform a round around the sacred fire. This ritual is known as Lagna. Furthermore, a minor mistake in repairing the descendant could result in flaws throughout the native's life.

In a marriage, the ascendant represents the soul, Tithi is the body, the Moon is the mind, and yoga and nakshatras are body parts. The lord of the eighth house in the birth chart is not located in the Marriage Ascendant, so this should be taken into account while determining the Ascendant. Furthermore, Lagna should not affect the Moon, Venus, or Mars, nor should they be in the ninth house.


In summary, Hindus attach great importance to performing lucky deeds, especially during auspicious periods. Thus, for important events like marriages and a child's first shaving ceremony, they choose auspicious periods (Mundan). This tradition has been observed for generations and is still followed today. People believe that working during any fortunate time eliminates obstacles and guarantees success. According to the Hindu Panchang, this is the marriage-related Vivah Muhurat for the year 2024.

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